Honorary Consul

My name is Wojciech Wrobel. I am a resident of Wrocław, born in 1988, and I cannot imagine living and working elsewhere. A few years ago I fell in love with Georgia. I am still getting to know its culture, traditions and fascinating, friendly inhabitants. Since 2019, I am honored to be the Honorary Consul of Georgia in Wrocław.
Education and activity
I graduated in psychology at the SWPS University and, with honors, Master of Business Administration studies at the Wrocław University of Technology and Central Connecticut State University. I am a co-
I graduated in psychology at the SWPS University and, with honors, Master of Business Administration studies at the Wrocław University of Technology and Central Connecticut State University. I am a co-founder and vice-president of the WUST MBA graduate association - Business Club B4. I am honored to be a lifetime member of the Council of the College of Eastern Europe Jan Nowak-Jeziorański, whose mission is to work to build Eastern Europe as a community of free people. I am in the chapter of the Tytus Filipowicz, awarded to citizens of Caucasian countries, incl. for the development of science and culture and building a civil society. I am a member of the Program Council of the G2 Forum - Economy and Geopolitics, in which we set the goals and priorities of the Institute of Economic and Geopolitical Strategies. I am a co-founder of the Heweliusz Institute, where we deal with broadly understood education in the field of management, economics, law and psychology, as well as raising the competences of people managing local government units and enterprises.I am particularly close to the subject of family businesses. I share my experience in this area during business conferences and lectures for students who study economics. I conduct classes on the principles of functioning of family businesses and international economic cooperation at the Study of Eastern Europe at the University of Warsaw. I belong to the association The Family Business Network Poland (FBN Poland), which works for family businesses.For several years I have been involved in social and philanthropic activities.
We run a family business
I am the owner of Grupa Wróbel, a family company that would not exist if not for my late father Mirosław. He started at the beginning of the 90s in a small car repair shop in Wrocław's Maślice, but he had ambitious plans which he consistently implemented step by step. At work, I am also inspired by my mother Jolanta, who contributed to building the success of our company. We are currently one of the largest automotive companies in Poland and a dealer for Mercedes-Benz and Mazda. In 2018, we were on the list of the 200 Largest Polish Companies in the "Wprost" ranking and Polish Business Ambassadors for 2017.